+Scholarships > About the Scholarship

In order to apply for a Martin Wong Foundation Scholarship, you must be a student at one of the four universities with which we are affiliated. Moreover, each school may have specific guidelines for the application process that go above and beyond the Foundation guidelines listed here.

If you are eligible and interested in applying, please speak directly with your department in addition to reviewing the information provided here.

The Martin Wong Foundation scholarship competition was established to recognize and support excellence in ceramics and painting, the areas in which Martin Wong first pursued his interest in art, and later established his reputation. In 2025, the Foundation will offer three scholarships in painting/2D media (excluding photography) and three scholarships in ceramics/3D media at each participating institution: Arizona State University; California State Polytechnic University, Humboldt (formerly Humboldt State University); San Francisco State University; and New York University.* The first prize in each medium will be in the amount of $5000, second prize in the amount of $3000, and third prize $2000. Since the scholarship is intended to support the continuation of a student’s education, we ask their enrollment in classes in the next fall semester be confirmed before awards are disbursed. Previous winners of Martin Wong Foundation Scholarships are ineligible for future awards, and students may only apply in one category each year. We will also continue the Honorable Mention recognition for each medium that was added to the Scholarship program in 2009. In the event matriculation cannot be confirmed for Scholarship winners, Honorable Mention recipients will serve as alternates for dollar awards.

*NYU does not have separate concentrations in ceramics or painting, and so the scholarships differ slightly. Starting in 2025, four awards will be made, along with one honorable mention: $8000 first prize, $6000 second prize, $4000 third prize, and $2000 fourth prize. All other rules and details apply as described above.